a poem i dashed off over toast this morning..discard if you will :)

3 months ago today was when my life was changed forever
When the oncologist told me "its looking very bad
The funny thing was I was sure it was a cyst
As everyone had told me so I wasn’t feeling sad or particularly worried
And I’'m a first class worrier when all is said and done.
I’d hopped into a taxi, gone to clinic on my own
Convinced their only drain and i’d be back at work by one
And now my calendar has less of social go’s and stuff
And rather more of onc appointments, bloods and scans until I almost cry “enough!!”
But not quite yet…and I’ll go on enjoying what I can
Among the years and crappy stuff I’m sticking to the plan
Of hoping for the future
A different one, that’s true
And when my body lets me down and I think my lives in tatters
I’ll take some strength and comfort in remembering what matters.

Have a good day everyone x

Hi Treeze


Why would I want to discard your poem - I really enjoyed it! If it is only three months since the start of your treatment it is very early days for you. I applaud your fighting spirit. Rest assured that it is quite possible to go through the ‘treatment tunnel’ and then emerge onto “The Sunny Side Of The Street” as that well-known song says. If inspiration strikes again, feel free, I will look forward with interest to any future contributions from you. My favourite poem is Ode to Autumn by Keats, I absolutely adore it and the coming “season of mists” that he refers to, which is just as well seeing that October is almost upon us and we are definitely all “close bosomed friends” on here aren’t we? :smileywink: 

Thank you…I love Autumn and I love poetry.not mine especially but if a couple of lines come into my head I grab them…find it easier than writing in diary form.went out for lunch today with my gorgeous daughters…first time I’ve managed that a day after chemo! Relaxing on the couch now.have a good day.x