anyone in south london

IS there anyone in south london who would like to meet up? I was diagnosed June 2008, finished treatment except for out patient drugs was unable to attend support groups at guys/st.thomas as I went back to work 3 weeks after op, still feel the need to talk to others

Hi Jane

Like you I had all my treatment at guys/st thomas and never attended the support groups at the time if you would like to chat/meet up we can arrange something talk to you soon
Les x

Hi Jane
I live in Eltham and was also treated at Guy’s and do attend the support group at STH but thinking of not going so often. I would be happy to meet with you at some time.


I was also treated at Guy’s and don’t have time to go to the support group. WOuld love to meet up.

hi I have not posted for along time. Have had masectomy, chemo and just finished rads, would love to meet up.

sorry i forgot to say. i am being treated at charingcross. But can travel short distance.

I live in Bexleyheath,SE London, and had my treatment at QE Woolwich, with radiotherapy at Guy’s and St. Thomas’s. Never been to a support group as I had a couple of “chemo-buddies” and we supported each other!

Am now almost 2 years from surgery, (Mx and axillary clearance), Chemo 4 each of FEC and Taxotere, 15 radio, almost a year of Herceptin (finished in Feb) and currently on Arimidex. Phew…seems like a lot of treatment for what originally started off as a tiny swollen lymph node! But here I am, just about in one piece and about a month or so younger than you are JanetE, so we have something in common even though I can’t knit (too cack-handed)and have no grandchildren (my two offspring are slow starters)!!

Have you thought of where we could meet up? If it’s easy to get to I’d try to come!

Best wishes all
