anyone in taunton

Iam new to this.I had my left breast removed in july 2011 anyone going through similar

I am in north petherton x

Do you do Facebook? If so then there is a lovely group you might like to join - Somerset CanDo.

Nymeria x

Hello! Yes, I started a networking group for women in Somerset. We get together regularly to do fun things. Members have from stage 1 to stage 4 bc and between us we’ve experienced everything.

Quite a few people live in Taunton itself. If you are being treated at Musgrove, ask one of the nurses how to get in touch with CanDo or see the poster in the info area in building outside the breast clinic. (It’s a portacabin isn’t it? You know, through the door next to the reception and it’s just outside). I’d have put the contact info on here but Breast Cancer Care sent me an unfriendly message last time I did that.

We’d love to meet up wit you Padme.

Some of our meetings and events are advertised on here too. x


Not on here much but live just south of taunton!
Xwx is right…we have a wicked group of all ages and personalities!!! We get up to all sorts of things…FB group to chat too!

would love to talk or meet up with people in Taunton

Hi, I was Dx on 13 Oct 11 with BC, surgery on 4 Nov 11 WLE and ANC. Am seeing the Oncologist 5 Dec 11 for details about chemo etc. I am a 43 and a single working mum and would love to get in touch with local people.

Any ideas about coping with xmas this year? I am dreading it but as I have a 12 year old, I still have to go through the motions!

Please get in touch as I would love to hear from anyone in the area! I live in Bridgwater and am having treatment at Musgrove Park Hospital.

Take care. x

Hi kosmic kay hope you are well.Hope you managed to get through xmas
new year.