bisphosphonates/ Zoledronic acid

unicorn123 unicorn123 says on 30 Jan 2009 17:41

Hi I am new to posting although I have been reading posts over the last year and found this very helpful.
I am 43 was diagnosed in feb 08 had neo-adjunctive chemo, surgery- bilateral mast(Family history) and reconstruction then rads, on tamoxifen now.I was node neg and ER+
I am interested if anybody with early localised breast cancer is having Zometa outside of a trial on the nhs. I am currently looking into paying for this treatment privately.
I would be interested to hear from any women who are on the azure trial about their experience of having zometa and whether anybody has had side effects.
Thanks for your help


Hi Ruth - I too am 43, ER+ and node neg - following ovary removal I am on Arimidex.
I am taking weekly oral bisphosphonates because my BDS for Arimidex revealed osteopaenia and osteoporosis. My surgeon tells me that I may be fortunate (!). She believes that bisphosphonates will become standard medication for all early stage ER+ cancers in the next few years. I knew they played a role in reducing risk of bone mets but she told me this week that they think bisphosphonates may play a role in general prevention too.
It is certainly a very hot research topic.

Hi msmolly
Thanks for replying
can i ask how you came to the decision to have your ovaries removed.
Yes i agree i think biphosponates will become part of first line treatment.
I am going to have a DEXA scan- so i ll see what that shows - my mum has osteoporosis.
have you had any side effects
thanks Ruth