bone .mets pain

Hi all, I am waiting for radiotherapy I have mets in spine from neck down and other places.having a lot of pain,given tramadol but made me sick and difficulty weeing. Any suggestions for a good pain relief.thanks.
Ramade xxxx

Hello Ramade
Just dipping in to say hello …sorry u haven’t had any replies. .bit quiet at the moment here.
I havent really got any answers …I use a heat pad and basic stuff like paracetamol. .are you having denosumab jabs as they should help a bit with pain.
Anyway hugs xxx

So glad you have found some good pain relief …it’s really horrible when the nerves start dancing !! I’ve had one in my hip area the last week or so …hoping denosumab will calm it …
Hoping rads will help you …I had them 2 years ago on hip and thinking maybe the pain relief from them is wearing off …not sure if rads can be repeated …must ask next time.
Hugs xxx

Morning Ramade

Pleased you are sorted regarding nerve pain.

For future reference for myself where abouts to go to to find a pain nurse not been told about one at the hospital I go to.

I am sure once you have radiotherapy it will sort it out without needing to take pain killers.

Take care.

Hello Linda
I don’t even have a bcn and like you would have no idea where to go for one !! I find gp not that informed with mets pain …

Evening Ramade

Thank you for the information regarding where I can get help if I start to suffer with alot of bone pain.

I am not on E/E as at the last scan results it has now spread to my liver and I am going to start cap in a few days time. I did get a good run of 3 and half years though sup pose I should be thankful for that.

Going to chemo unit on Tuesday to sort out new treatment. Have to say not looking forward to being stuck there most of the day.

Upto now I have not had any radiotherapy for bone mets but I am sure in the future that will change.

When do you find out what your next treat ment will be?

Wish I had someone in person to speak to.

Nights seem to be drawing in fast now. Hate the winter so depressing.
