can any one help please?

I had pain under my arm and in my breast, went to my gp who discovered a lump and nipple discharge and gave me an urgent referral. I went to the breast clinic yesterday. The ultra sound showed a cyst which i was obviously delighted to hear. But then they said the mammogram showed an area in each breast that they “didnt like the look of” as it showed tissue being pulled and drawn to a fixed point. At this stage I went into panic mode and didn’t really hear anything else that was said to me, other than i was to have another test which i think they said was a squeeze something or other. I just remember thinking oh god that sounds worse than the mammogram and that did really hurt. Does anyone know what this test is or what its proper name is?

Hi Thamesian

I am sure you will receive further advice and suppport from our users, but in the meantime, you may find a call to our helpline can offer some information on this subject.

The number is 0808 800 6000

Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
Saturday, 9am - 2pm

Our helpline is a free and confidential service. Staffed by experienced nurses and specially trained workers with a personal or professional experience of breast cancer, they are able to offer information and support on any aspect of breast cancer or breast health so give them a call if you feel it would help with your query.

Kind regards


Thanks. I didn’t get a chance to phone the helpline. Being a nurse I don’t really get time to make calls and certainly not without the entire ward staff listening in. How ironic im in a hospital every day and dont know what this test is. I will throw the question out there again - does anyone know what this squeeze thing is?

squeeze thing? i know if you have discharge then can take a sample of it by gently squeezing your breasts. haven’t heard of any other squeezey things though apart from the mammogram! sorry!

Hi Thamesian,
It might be the fine needle aspiration. As its name implies, a fine needle will be inserted in the area they are concerned about, a little bit of the tissue will be extracted, send to the lab for a biopsy. This will tell whether there are any cancerous cells. You will find more details there:

Good luck

Thank you ladies for the replies. I decided to phone the radiology department - and it is a diagnostic mammogram where they use more pressure than usual to concentrate on a specific location. Oh joy! and I thought the original mammogram was more than painful enough. Hope I get a date for it soon.

hi - in that case I had that too and it wasn’t really any worse than the mammogram - they just used smaller perspex area to squeeze boob down…it highlights an area and makes it easier to see in detail…better they check it all - I had it too on my “good side” and also ultrasound and core biopsy and it was benign…mary x

Dear kittenkat

Thank you, you have put my mind at rest somewhat. I have been working myself into a right state as my mammogram was so painful on the side that has the cyst. Being 35 it was my first one and I didn’t really know what to expect. Atleast I am more prepared for these next ones. Im hoping it will be soon as the waiting and not knowing is driving me insane. Pleased to hear yours was benign. Fingers crossed for mine. X

I’m a nurse too by trade but not working and I think we’re our own worst enemies - a little bit of knowledge and all that! I’m 43 and hadn’t had one either but had heard the stories about mammograms etc. Its the waiting that’s the torture isn’t it. Let us know when you know when it is, take care, mary x

Dear Kittenkat

It seems like I’ve been waiting an eternity - I now have my date of Friday 13th March. Of all the days - I had to get that one! Since my original visit to the breast clinic I now have more pain and after ringing the helpline and the clinic they think i may have to have my cyst aspirated before the compression mammogram so they are phoning me on monday to give me a day for that. So here i sit, still waiting with stress levels rising! I’ll let you know how it goes. X

hi - at least you have now something to work round but yes the waiting stinks and is soooo hard…keep us posted won’t you?..mary x


I got a phone call yesterday evening to say the processor is broken so my appointment has been cancelled. I had got myself all psyched up ready and was furious. It’s been re-arranged for Tuesday afternoon now. More waiting! Will let you know what happens. X

oh bu&&er!! Typical eh…will be watching for a post on tuesday then…keep the pecker up!! mary x

From my experience my cancer showed up as a big black hole on the ultra sound, so its good that yours showed nothing. Let us kno how you get on.

Dear Kittenkat & Mandy

I went and had the focal compression mammogram on both breasts yesterday. It was again very painful in the breast with the cyst and it caused a lot of discharge which I found quite traumatic. But not as traumatic as being told I would get the results in the post! I did question whether I had heard this correctly, and said surely im not going to get a letter if it’s bad news? To which the lady replied - no, the letter will either say nothing has been detected or that another appointment has been made at the clinic! To me that is shocking. It is in effect telling me by post. Am not a happy bunny and now in fear of the brown envelope arriving through the door.


Been reading your comments and just thought I’d drop in too.

The waiting is awful isn’t it. I know mine is BC but have been a bit messed around too and don’t know the whole situation until next Weds as my consultant is away. So by the time I know the full results and what I’m dealing with exactly, it’ll have been two weeks.

In the meantime I’m convincing myself it is advanced and reparing myself for the worst.

I hope everything is okay with you and the results come soon.I’m sure they are just being over cautious with you and rightly so. At least you know they’re being thorough.

Fingers crossed and thinking of you


Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Freddie

Nice of you to drop in. Sorry to hear yours is BC, hopefully it’s in the early stages.
Yes, waiting and feeling like you’re being messed about is just fueling the imagination. I think I’ve now imagined just about every possible outcome, it’s now 5 weeks (so much for the urgent referral!)
On the positive side, this is a fantastic website and has kept me sane with everyones support. I nursed my mum through her BC three years ago but even that hasn’t prepared me for what I’m currently feeling. I really hope your appointment on Wednesday is as could as it can be, I will be thinking of you. Fingers crossed for both of us.

Thamensian X