

capcetabine hi all :slight_smile:
My wife just finished taxol/capcetabine chemo 6 sessions .
visited Onc today to discuss way forward, agreed to continue with zometa iv for bone mets , having hormone blood test done to confirm post menopasual was on zoladex implants and arimadex both stopped .my question is this . Onc may continue with capcetabine , i noticed a lady having chemo was having this by iv my wife has suffered greatly on these tablets i mentioned this to Oncand was told it was only administered orally , have any of you had this treatment by iv ?
Or is it a case of cost ! if so then i think very shortsighted as the cost of prescribing meds to combat the side effects , would be grateful for any info before seeing Onc again
regards john

Capecitabine is only administered orally.

Check out the Xeloda website for more information. Also, the Cancer Backup website has good information as well :

I think the other lady must have been having a different treatment. Next time you are at the clinic, ask the nurses to write down the names of the drugs - they are very easy to mistake!

Xeloda I have posted this on behalf of user Terry

On-line forum Host
Breast cancer care

Hi, My wife is on Xeloda only now. It is only administered orally, at the start it might be mixed with intavenous chemo as well such as taxotere, this is a very powerful mix.

Xeloda does have side effects, mainly hand and foot syndrome, possible vomiting plus tiredness, but it is not given other than orally. Just type in Xeloda on any search engine, lots and lots to read as I have been doing for a year now.

Hopes this helps

thank you thank you terry and phoebe for your replies have found web site i think terry you were correct in assuming type of chemo used maybe the reason i saw it on the ladies drip . hope your wife is okay and phoebe you are well.

regards John

I have reposted this on behalf of terry

Kind regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

Let us all know how it is going, there are a lot of us out here you know.

Kind regards
