fatty lump

hi there
well now im really worried lol
went to dr 2 wks ago with sore lump in middle of sternum
she sent me away for 2 wks to see what it did
its not sore and its gone down a bit.
went back to see her today and she said she is pretty sure its a fatty lump that you can get after rads but with my history she would refer me as a non urgent case to see my con/surgeon
gets home and the hospital rung! asking if i could get there tomorrow
i said about it being non urgent and now i was panicking. she said they were getting anyone in they could before xmas
im sure she was just trying to calm me down
it took 2 wks with the origional lump for an appointment to come through so they must be worried about this?

Dear lincslady
Sorry to hear about this. Really though it’s so easy to think the worst - you’re being referred as they’re not taking any chances with you. I’m the same - any appointments seem to come up really quickly as I’ve been told ‘they’re not taking any chances with me’. It always makes me nervous when this happens but honestly I think you’ll find it’s the same for most of us who’ve been through breast cancer. Hope all ok for you.

Totally agree with Ruby. I went to GP with pain in recon breast and was referred to breast clinic within two days. (I was DX 10 yrs ago!).
Anne Marie

thanks ladies
just was a shock as within 2 hrs of dr telling me after the new yr, i have appointment for tomorrow
no sleep tonight then!

he said it was just bone! had scan and all ok, phew
roll on christmas now!

Great news! I got great news on the 22nd, and it’s so lovely to have a stress free Christmas!