have my second FEC tomorrow.

Hi there all. Just wanted to introduce myself.
My first treatment was awful as I managed to pick up an infection with symptons showing on the 4th day after. Feeling fine the first three days…just a little light headed and felt like walking on air. I thought I can cake walk this chemo if this is all there is to it. The following day but me straight!!! I woke up breathless…just the act of getting dressed puffed me out. I had no energy and the cold I had seemed 10 times worse. Anyway, the 7th day feeling a little better. Then a sore throat and a swollen gland for 2 days but still feeling a little better. 1 day clear of a sore throat that returned for 2 days. At this point I decided that I should speak to someone so phoned my GP who sent out the district nurse to check my bloods. Into hospital for 4 days as my nuetaphiles were down to 0.3 and my good arm, by the time I left, was battered and bruised and looking like a plucked porcupines ^_^.
It was they agreed to delay the next chemo for a week and in the meantime I would have more bloods taken…yay!! I have always had a BIG fear of injections and had managed to lose that fear until my time in hospital. Why are they so rough and unfeeling?? Well, most of them anyway!
In the meantime my hair was falling out in big chunks into my dinner and over my pillow so for me, the cold cap didn’t work. In a panic I contacted the wig shop to organise one before all my hair fell out. This, I was dreading!! After trying on a few wigs more and more hair came out and she suggested that… I have my head shaved. TO that, I had to agree, but very hesitantly only because we found a wig I really liked and which knocks years off me…yesssssss!
So, tomorrow is my second treatment. They are going to reduce the amount of chemo I have, with, I believe, a slow reacting injection of antibiotics to help ward off another infection that I may have picked up sitting around in the doctors surgery today waiting for the pre chemo bloods to be done.
All in all, not too bad a start but I hope this next chemo goes more smoothly^_^
So, that’s me in a nutshell.
Once again, hello to all :slight_smile:

Best of luck, Bobbin2.

You might find more bods at similar stage to you in a thread called “starting chemo in July” or something like that.

Hi and welcome - it probably doesn’t help but you are not alone in having a tough time on Fec1, I have also have an infection and a horrible reaction to the Filgrastim injections.

Keep your chin up, it will end at some point and each cycle I am told is different so the next one could be a good one for you!

Come and join us on the August thread or the July one - we are all in this together and its a good place for a moan when you feel like it to people who really do understand what you are going through right now.
