hello new to this

hello folks i found a lump in my breast last week and went to see my gp immediately he gave me a check up and going to the brest clinic fast tracked in his words next week , he would not commit to anything as expected but have very poor family history me mum died of breast cancer and also cousins i am 47 i have seemed to have self diagnosed from the internet to have cancer i know you will all say this is silly until confirmed but have spent days ruling out all the other reasons its easy to see what and see but how to you cope with the waiting

hi louisa
the waiting is hell and i think we all can relate to that think the waiting is sometimes worse than knowing but hold on in there and even though u fear the worst i hope you get a happy result just keep busy and keep your chin up but whatever the outcome this site is a godsend take care love rachel x

Hi Louisa,

Apart from sending you my best wishes, I’m bumping this up for you as it seems to have been buried in a busy days postings.

It’s understandable with losing you mum to BC that you would possibly be expecting the worst. Most lumps turn out to be nothing much to worry about but at least you haven’t got long to wait for your appt to find out one way or another.

I don’t know how true it is, others might be able to shed more light, but my surgeon told me that they expect to see the ‘inherited sort’ of BC popping up in daughters in their 20’s or very early 30’s - not late 40’s. Little consolation I know, unless you’ve got daughters that you’re worried about (when I got my dx my 1st thought was my daughter and her two daughters).

My thoughts are with you during your wait - I am quite a strong person so I basically ignored mine until my appt (not the same as being in denial). Hope you can do similar.

xx Chris xx

hi louisa,iwas in the same place as u nearly 3 wks ago.wont bull s**T the waitin is totally unbearable but u will do it.i have cleaned places ive never cleaned but hey ho my house is clean and im ready 4 watever they throw at me.thinking of u and be strong although u mite feel like curling up in a ball(done it)with love,alex xxx

hi louisa sending a big hug your way i sure know wot the waiting room is like i did the same as you found lump wentto doc sent to breast clinic fast tracked but as my doc said fast track is the name of the clinic, which appointment came through within a week so it was fast ,like you my mom had bc lucky she still with me unlucky for my MIL who lost her battle to it 4 yrs ago so s***ing myself too was told on my 1st appointment it was the dreaded c it will be 6 weeks on wens from 1st dx to having the first op (hopfuly last too) after my dx my sister went in and was told she just had cyst so dont give up and think the worst just yet never feel your on your own cos there is many of us here that will be with you all the way and as i have been told no question is silly tc now think positive no matter wot
hugs maz xx

I’m sure the BCC mods will be along shortly with links, but in the meantime you might want to look at the Publications section of this website to learn about what you can expect at the clinic.

A couple of things for you.

Most lumps that are referred to breast clinics are NOT cancer. Fingers crossed that’s where yours fits.

If you want to look for information, be careful what sites you visit. Try to restrict your searches to reputable sites, such as this one, Macmillan, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, Cancer Research and similar sites. Avoid LIKE THE PLAGUE sites that are single-issue or “quackish”, because they often have their own agendas, and fact-based information doesn’t necessarily form a big part of their source.

Make use of the helpline (number at the top of the page) if you want to ask about anything to do with cancer, diagnosis, treatments, etc etc, etc. The helpline is staffed by very knowledgeable people who will be able to give you information, and more importantly a friendly ear. They are really lovely. (Thank you BCC.)

There is no such thing as a silly question. If there’s something on your mind, ask. These forums are so busy that there will almost certainly be someone who can answer your questions.

Best of luck, and The Waiting Room really is the pits. I hope you manage to leave by the All Clear door.


Hello Louisa3

Sorry for the delay in welcoming you to the forums, this must be a very difficult time for you. As you can see from the posts already that the users of the site are very supportive and experienced.

We do also have a free helpline on 0808 800 6000 for support, opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 – 2.00.

With best wishes
June, moderator

Dear Louisa

A big welcome and an equally big hug goes out to you, so sorry you have found yourself here.

As said by many others, we are one big family who support each other every step of the way. As CM said don’t allow yourself to get too engrossed in reading stuff on the internet just stick to this site and McMillan etc. Don’t try to take too many steps at a time, just be patient and wait for your appointment. Once you have the tests done again just take it a step at a time and try as hard as you can to think positive. This is NOT necessarily cancer and could be something completely harmless and you will be worrying yourself for nothing.

We are all here for you and will be here for you once you find out what is going on and then we can all give you our pearls of wisdom for facing up to and dealing with the diagnosis. We all know the “waiting room” is the worst possible place to be but we all have to face it. I have my lumpectomy tomorrow and it will be another two weeks in the “waiting room” for me before I embark on the next stage of treatment. Its hell but you get through it no matter what.

Lots of love and hugs
Tracy x