how can you tell if it comes back

hya all<
soz for not been on for a while< i got 6 days in bed after 7months of treatment!!YIPEE EH, families eh who’d beleive it, by the way if you don’t no me as i am new to the forums, my family and hubby have been not much help at all, no tlc for me although i wish i did have some, houswork is falling around me but i cant change them so i have to live with it, anyways i am still on chemo untill march and then rads till june, but after reading some of these threads i am worried , how can you tel if it comes back and what are secondries and what symtoms do you look for, i had no symtoms at all , i found the lump myself in july 07, had a wide local insision and lymph nodes took away, they said it was grade 3 agresive, 11cm, but that doesn’t mean much to me, cause i really dont no much and feel a nuisance if i have to ask, they made 4 big mistakes already, the first was they didnt open the drain for 2 days when i had op, second was they drained some cysts and they were black colour and (any others i had were staw colour) put them in the bin without putting it on report, third they tryed to give me cheomo 3 weeks on the run till i spotted the mistake, they said if wouln’t have spotted it they would have given it me, and forth only last few weeks, thought i had a clot in my leg they dismissed it and sent me home, went back and i did have one, so i really dont know if they would tell me the answers to the questions i’ve asked you girls, Help!!!

love n hugs


hiya tilly

I can only tell you my experience, which was as follows;- diagnosed bc after i found a lump nov06–mastec+chemo+radio+hormone which takes us to oct07–had a chest infection that wouldnt go–x.ray + ct + ultrasound found secondaries in my liver and lung–having gem/taxol chemo + zoladex at the mo–chest is still playing up with permanent cough and I cant raise my voice or shout as it is affecting my voice somehow (son is very relieved at mo!!).
You will find that everyone will give a different story, so unfortunatley as is seeming the norm on here, no-one is the same. So there really isnt any info you can definatley say will or wont happen to you sadly(hoping that none will ever apply anyhow x).


Hi tillie,

after I was diagnosed, had a WLE, then total node resections and started chemo, I had a number of scans as my cancer had already spread to my lymph nodes. I had a nuclear scan of my bones, a scan of my liver, a chest x-ray for my lungs, and thankfully, all was okay.

I had a haematoma (blood clot in the breast) after the lumpectomy, and then a seroma in my back after the lymph node resection. I would be rather more concerned about a blood clot in your leg, called a deep vein thrombosis, so make sure you are getting the appropriate blood thinning drugs.

You really do have to ask questions …can you take someone with you to these consultations and procedures that can listen and take notes? It is so difficult, as I have found, to listen to what the docs say and ask pertinent questions.

Take care,

hya girls.
thanks for your advice, i take it on board, i should take notes i know but i feel like a hypercondriac and a nuisence.but i need to know these things and the risks as the family around me jus keep sayin i alright, because i up and dressed for the last 7 months,i suppose it their way of coping to, but i under no illusions now and it does frighten me a bit, i would like to have a weekend away wiv my freind but dont even know if i could do that, jus to get a way you know what i mean, from all the sh=t, think i will write a list of questions down now and take em wiv me next time, wish me luck. hope you feel better gemcl and lizzeecixxxxxx

lv n hugsxxxxx

Hi tillie
just read your posting and i was really disgusted by the way you have been treated.
As someone said above can you take someone with you and why not write down the questions you want to ask.
If you are worried i am sure you could phone BCC and chat to someone who may be able to give you advice on just what to ASK at your hospital appts.
Blood clots do need taking very seriously. I had scans for them twice but was fortunate not to have one.

I do know exactely how you feel about being up and dressed and your family thinking your fine mine did the same.I think with everyone here they just cannot face the fact i had a serious illness. I am nearly 2 and ahalf years since diagnosis and my kids wont talk about it with me. I stil worry a lot about the cancer returning. No one knows thugh and we have to make the most of each day.

Take Care and i hope things are a bit more sorted for you now.


Liverbird, I have the same thing with my sister. She works abroad but was on holiday here when I was diagnosed. She has been in total denial about the whole thing. When she has been back on holiday (twice since my diagnosis) you would think nothing was going on, yet the first time she came back over I was in hospital with a massive chemo burn to my hand and no immune system so in an isolation room! My OH has lost all respect for her and has been furious. She has very rarely even rung to see if I’m OK, yet she was expecting me to contact her last week as she was having a very minor procedure done on her leg as an outpatient and sent a very “feeling sorry for myself” email. To tell the truth, I couldn’t be bothered with it. I’ve also found that other family members stopped calling in when I finished chemo - it’s like they think everything is fine and back to normal.