improve your odds with existing medicines

I’ve joined a clinical trial at the Care Oncology Clinic in London which is recruiting now - it basically gives cancer patients a cocktail of existing medicines which together have a much stronger effect. Note existing - not some multi-million pound wonder drug which takes 10 years to develop (making fat profits) but drugs we already have eg metformin prescribed for diabetes but which also has anti-cancer properties.

It’s run by Prof Stebbings who’s a leading oncologist based at Imperial College London. They want the NHS to offer a combination of these existing drugs to cancer patients as the new standard of care, since these drugs individually have already been shown to have anti-cancer effects but combining them it’s hoped will intensify the effect. 

Read this and see what you

Also check out their website - you can join yourself, you don’t need to be referred by your GP. Results are promising as they have seen tumours shrink and even disappear in patients with metastatic cancer.


What an interesting posting and I do remember reading this article .
I don’t live near London so not sure if I could be involved .

Trials have exacting criteria, from diagnosis to numbers of visits etc. May be worth an enquiry, but you may have to balance realistically travelling there verses your every day life.
Good luck,
LL xx