improvised dressings???

There I was beeing all smug about how well my skin has held up during the past 6 weeks of daily zapping … and the BCN was delighted at how good it was when she saw me last Wed. Well as usual it turns around an bites me in the bum… skin on the collarbone started to split yesterday.

I was sure I still had a dressing or 2 left over from my surgery but when I looked the box was empty … so being Sunday and no chemist open I improvised and used … a panty liner! Very effective - just the right size and shape (not the ones with wings) I did decide that the sticky bit was not ideally placed cos it was going to be right on the broken skin bit so I just turned it over so I had the ‘soft top sheet’ bit against my skin and stuck it down with a little bit of micropore tape… all very Blue Peter but it gave me some comfort.

After my rads booster today I was sent to see nurse for some gel and dressings … told the rads staff what I had used and they seemed well impressed with my inventivness. Nurse gave me some lovely cool gel and put dressings on … she did say until after rads are finished no adhesive tape or dressings so it’s a case of holding the dressings in place with your bra.


Oh no sorry to hear about your skin after you have done so well!! What a good idea … panty liner will have to remember that!!

I had number 9 today 11 to go and I have felt burny tonight and blooming tired. Did you use anything else beside aquueos cream?? Am sure somewhere along the line I have read something about aloe vera!!

Good luck for your last one tomorrow you should have a party!!

Best Wishes

I was the same no trouble with skin until the last one then it all broke down. I used jelonet dressings and surgipads no tape as you say and when skin healed over I used hydrocortisone cream and this helpes the healing process greatly
Take care

I have read several articles about the aloe vera gel for this. Preston are doing a pilot study, and another hospital has already had good results (although the official line is still aqueous). Well i asked on Friday if I could use it, and the nurse said she couldnt officially reccommend it, but if I used it it had to be 99.9 % pure. Holland and Barret and others sell big tubes so I have my supply ready for next week. I will keep posting to say how its going.I have fair skin so it should be a good test.
So sorry for the ladies who are sore, hope it heals soon. Love Zoe x

p.s the knicker liner was a brilliant idea! you can get thong ones cant you? They would fit in well fro akward places :slight_smile:

I did think I was ever so clever with the knicker liner dressing idea!

I’ve only used the aqueous cream so far - my rads unit was keen for patients only to use stuff that they had tested themselves. Now that the skin has started to break down they have given me some intrasite gel to use on the broken skin and said to continue with the aqueous cream on the unbroken skin.

I’ve heard of a lot of ppl using aloe vera but not used it myself.