infection with wound opened in small area

I am five weeks post mx surgery. My wound was very swollen hospital eventualy drained it after it burst through.Now experiencing more pain than intialy and really feeling lousy. I am so dissapointedbut this soon will pass and I will pick of my life and be really grateful I dont reguire anymore treatment .When your defenses are vulnerable it is such hard work Just had to get this of my chest no cancet support service for us localy  thanks for being there BCC 

Dear magsim,

As well as the support you will find on this forum you could also talk things over with one of our helpliners.  They can offer practical information and emotional support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

I hope by now your wound has healed xxx I had the same thing, with haematoma, seroma’s, infection, into hospital etc, antibiotics. Awful :frowning: BUT, it did heal eventually and with a little Bio-Oil rubbed on after your shower, the scar will gently fade. Lots of love and hugs. What an experience to have!!!