living without oestrogen

living without oestrogen

living without oestrogen Hi-it’s some time since I’ve been here!
Had an early menopause following treatment for lymphoma in 2000, then had ‘unrelated’ breast cancer in 2005. Was taking plenty of soya and phyto-oestrogens to try to guard against osteoporosis and to cope with post menopausal symptoms/ ageing.
But as the jury is still out on the benefit/harm decison of phyto-oestrogens for BC ‘patients’ I have stopped them , but am finding that I seem to have all the symptoms of creeping old age-at 47! Going to the loo a lot, very dry skin, poor memory, hot flushed, bad sleeping,poor memory etc etc.
Has anybody else had this ? Are there any ways to deal with what seems very unfair after all we’ve been through? I want to live my saved twice life in top gear-not with a zimmer frame!

Me too There’s another one here, I am 60 in a few months time, they say that is the new 40 but for me its more like the new 80. I’ve been taking Arimidex so am blaming that for most of my problems.

I had a hospital appointment last week and explained how awful I felt, painful aching joints, hot flushes all the time, really dry skin, feel like I am aging fast. On top of all that I feel depressed but I think that’s down to all of the above. After looking at my notes I’ve been told that the benefit I am getting from Arimidex is not worth all the side effects so I have stopped taking it.

Is it hormonal treatment that is causing your problems?

Like you this is my second time round with cancer, first time 21 years ago and I would like to enjoy life not feel miserable.

Hope you feel better soon.

Take care.


To Jan Thanks Jan…helps to know I’m not alone but not sure of the solution. Decided not to have hormonal treatment as told ‘off the record’ that side effects may be worse than benfits-but last few months I have wondered!
P.S. Couldn’t find this at first and then realised that this post should have appeared in the section above-‘after treatment has finished’ Sorry for taking up space girls! I’ll try the same post there. Lots of love to all of you.