messed up refferal?

Hi all.
I found a lump in my right breast and went to the GP 2wk ago today.I was told probably nothing to worry about but she Wud reffer me and I be seen within 2wk.I rang last Monday because I’d had no letter n they assured me it was on its way n I Wud be seen within the week.anyways I rang them bk this Monday n told them I still had no appointment thru,the receptionist said she Wud check the diary n sounded all panicky,asked if she cud ring me bk in a minute,rang bk an hr later n said to leave it until this Thu or Fri n ring bk if still no letter.then yesterday I got a call from the receptionist saying my letter must be lost in post n gave me my booking ref number and password along with the number to ring to book my appointment.I rang them up n they said they have no appointment available at the moment n to leave it until the 25th and if I’ve heard nothing then to contact my GP again!!! I’m livid,that’s a month waiting to be seen when I was told 2wk!! I’m worrying myself sick and hardly sleeping.I can’t cope with another 2 wk of feeling like this,I just need some answers,I’m feeling very let down by my GP surgery at the minute and I’m convinced they have forgotten to do the referral n had to start the process again.xx


I’m sorry to hear this, what a worry at a time when you’re already anxious. Guidelines say you should be seen in 2 weeks, it does sound like there’s been a mix up. If it were me I wouldn’t wait until 25th, I’d either make appointment to see another GP or just contact PALS at the hospital. They help with problems with hospitals or GPs and you’ll find the numer on the hospital website.

Let us know how you get on. I’m going to clinic tomorrow about a lump and understand what a scary time this is. Don’t be afraid to be assertive. Take care x

Hiya,thank you for ur reply.
After ringing the Drs n carrying on this afternoon the receptionist somehow managed to book Me an appointment on the 26th.I’m glad I’ve got a date but on the other hand it’s gonna be almost 5wk since first goin to Dr and actually been seen so I am feeling abit let down.good luck for ur appointment ttomorrow,plz let us know how u get on xx

Hi Plop2014 and welcome to the BCC forums

Along with the support you have found please feel free to call our helpliners on 0808 800 6000 for further practical and emotional support whilst you await your appointment, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays

Best wishes
Lucy BCC

Hi poemsgalore.thank u for ur reply.I’m sorry to hear u had to go thru all that.I hope u are on the mend now! I’ve had the lump a couple of month but stupid me has put off going to the Dr for fear of wasting their time.I feel like if it’s bad news then I cud of made the situation worse by not getting checked straight away and now having to wait even longer.I’m only 28 but my mum was in her mid 20’s when she had ovarian cancer so I’m scared history cud be repeating itself,probs not the best way to think but I can’t shake this feeling off.xx

Hi Plop2014,

I’m glad you have an appointment date now. Try not to worry about the delay or to overthink things. Easier said than done I know. You’re going to be checked, that’s the main thing, keep focusing on tthat. It’s understandable why you hesitated before going to see GP, a lot people can do that.

Take care and take one day at a time x

Hi butterflycake.
I’m glad all went well at ur appointment.must be a huge relief for u.I’ve just got my letter through this morning for my appointment.I can’t wait to get it over n done with so I can settle,but like I’ve said to my husband,if it’s bad news then I will cross that bridge when we get to it n i’ll be fine with it,it’s the not knowing what’s the problem.xx