one week since mX and LD flap reconstruction..feeling fine

Its been one week today since my mastectomy with LD flap reconstruction and I want to assure anyone going for this
procedure that it really wasn’t that bad.
I had my operation on the Friday pm. The worst part was Fri night as they check on you all night long blood pressure, drips and had a blood transfusion too ( quite normal). It meant I didn’t sleep much at all.The next morning I was up and about , of course a little unsteady at first but not for long. I sat down had breakfast and by lunchtime I had washed and walked around a little. The surgeon came to see me on Sat pm and told me that my op went well and that I was doing well and could go home. (It was meant to be 3-4 nights!)
This week I have really taken it easy beteen my bed and getting up too. I,ve done my own washing, made a trifle and even walked the dog in the woods for 20 mins.
The main nuicence is the drains I came home with 3 of them. Its best to have a cloth type shopping bag and put them in it so you can support them and not have to actually carry them by hand. My hospital supplied a pretty floral bag that you can wear across your chest but it was just too small. I think one drain will be taken out tomorrow and hopefully not too long to go for the other 2. THe drains are a reall nuicence but really not difficult to cope with. District nurses have visited me at home the same time aech day for dressings and drains. They are lovely and there to answer any queries you may have.
I am also getting shooting pains (like nerve pain) in my new breast. It hurts but its for a split second and then goes. The bc nurse said this was quite normas as the nerves settle again.
Well ,thats all for now. I was anxious about this operation so thought it may help anyone else who is to have one in the near future.
Good Luck. I,m sure it will all be fine.
Oh one last thing I haven’t had a proper look yet i,m nervous about that though the nurse said I have a good shape. I’ll leave rthat till another day I think.
Byeeee for now.

So inspirational thank you for posting. I am about to have exact sameprocedure tomorrow and was getting last minute nerves. Thayou you, continue to be positive and best wishes to a full recovery. I will be back to chat to you soon after the op.
Big hug xxxxxxxxx

Please do I was really worried so thought this may help others.
I,ll be thinking of you.

Keep in touch.
Lavendersun xxxx