periods on epi???

Hi all,

I am inbetween epi 3 and 4 now and a few weeks after my first I had a very small light period which I though was the last, however last night I woke to find a very heavy flow period including all the usual period pain - should I be concerned??

how can I be having periods if my hormones are being surpressed??? any advice??



Just started epi yesterday, so no experience there yet. However, I would reckon our hormones would likely be all over the place, just like the rest of our systems while we’re on this, so I’m sort of expecting fluctuations right through the chemo. I go on CMF after. Maybe give your BC nurse a call?

Hi Vicky

It sounds like you have a few questions and concerns, if you would like to talk these through with one of trained members of staff on the help line please don’t hesitate to give them a call. All the staff here are either breast care nurses or people who have personal experience of breast care issues. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 the lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Hi Vicky,
I experienced VERY heavy periods when I was first on epi, something to do with the chemo if I remember rightly. Am on zoladex injections this time and no periods, although I havent had one for AGES now.
Check with your onc next time you see him or one of the chemo nurses, or bc nurse, Im pretty sure I was told it was to do with the effect of the chemo and blood clotting (anemia) but dont take my word for it, chemo brain can play tricks on you!!!


Vicki…posted on other thread - thought it was Blonde bird asking q…Will phone you Friday to chat as had period during epi.

Fiona x

Hi there

I’ve had 3 FEC and 12 days ago 1st of 3 TAX, Can i ask if anyone else has had any problems with periods whilst on chemo, particularly Taxotere for those who have had it.I went into local hospital A&E as I was so terrified as I was loosing so much blood and massive clots that the Marsden wanted me to have a blood test to make sure i didn’t need a transfusion! Then they found another problem with neutropenia I was .2, and siad this was a more urgent issue and they weren’t bothered about my period at all.Stayed over night and treated all that but wouldn’t do anything for period, Consequently I’ve come home in the same state i went in and it’s not getting any better! They said I should mention it to the Marsden on Monday as now have an outpatients app to follow up this episode in hospital. Has anyone else experienced this because I’m thinking all sorts, especially with Poor Jade on TV everytime you switch on!