
Hi ladies,

anyone had periods return 17 months after treatment (6 x FEC and 25 x rads) my onc told me that if they were going to come back would be within a year, after this then no.

Hi Angie5,

my period have returned. 2 moths after 6xFEC and 33 rads in October 2007. I thought at first it may be a one off, but pretty much every month they have come back. i 27 and had Zoladex injections throughout chemo.
I was told they could return from within one year to two years. i guess everybody is differnt.
Hope this helps

Nadia x

I was diagnosed at 45 and had my last period 2 weks before I started FEC in Nov 2006. I had it confirmed in October last year that I’m now post menopausal after I had some bloods done. I went through the menopause without noticing, there were no hot flushes or anything.

I’m waiting for mine to return, finished chemo in Nov and had zolodex to protect my ovaries.

I was told that it can take up to 2 years for them to return. Cherub, I feel a bit worried now as I assumed that if I was going through the menopause I would have symptoms like hot flushes and I haven’t had any either. I’m not going to worry about it for the moment though, fingers crossed they will return.


Hi Anjie5

I was 50 when diagnosed just over two years ago now. My periods stopped when I started my chemo and I started to get night sweats and hot flushes. (What joy!!) I never expected to see periods again. However on Jan2 this year I got what seemed like a normal period. I didn’t know if it was a period or some bleeding that meant something was wrong. I phoned my GP who refered me to the Gynae outpatients, just to check things out. Everything aparrently is normal and I was advised that if it continues at more or less regular intervals not to worry, its unusual but not important, if it is just a “one-off” and I subsequently bleed again to go back to the gynae clinic, just in case.

xx Gentle

Thanks Gentle,

I’ll keep an eye on it, but would be devasted if it came back and had to go through those horrendous hot flushes, sweats etc again - but if it is on its way back won’t have to put up with it for to long as I am due to get my ovaries removed before May.