post op pain 4 weeks after hadfields procedure

Hi, I’m new to this & would really appreciate some advice. I am still in pain 4 weeks after hadfields procedure for DCIS I also had a large hematoma removed. Also really sensitive skin- feels like ’ nerve 'pain. I have difficulty wearing a soft bra some days. Rang clinic & the nurse said it could possibly be another hematoma, & to have warm baths. ( not working !) Not quite sure where to go from here & back at work Monday, working with under 5’s. Worried I’m going to get knocked ! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Just want pain to go away.



I had a similar procedure last June and did not experience the sort of pain and discomfort you are describing 4 weeks after it. I did not have a hematoma so perhaps it is related to that? What does the wound look like, is it healing ok?


The best thing would be to get in touch with the bcn again and get it checked out to make it’s all ok.


Take care.



My pain got worse 4 weeks after the op - and the breast cancer nurses were not surprised, - I got the the comment that it was post-operative and stil early days.  I now (16 weeks after op) have much less pain, but swell up daily so am still taking ibuprofen.  The swellig has been identified as oedema - not sure if it will ever settle.


I know what you mean about the feligs that creates though - i lost the plot in Costas - where else - when i could not carry a tray with my coffe on it without pain!  since thenb have seen Macmillan … much better able to talk it out.

Thanks Helen & Mary, it’s got slightly less painful since my post, & being back at work was fine. Meant to ask you both though; does your nipple look normal ? Mine has got serious dimpling where I had my biopsies. And the other side has what looks & feels like a hard lump under it. If this is normal healing then that’s fine, but it looks dreadful ! The wound has healed fine, no problems there. The cut was underneath, but all the problems are at the top ! There doesn’t appear to be any follow up advice. Do I go to gp or breast clinic ? .

Thanks Mary, is your nipple ok now ? Or is it still wonky /nverted ? It’s weird as the dimpling has gone a bit deeper ( its like a big crease ) since I wrote post ! So do you have any pain now ? And have you seen anyone since or any follow up ? Incidently when I saw surgeon 9 days after op it looked & felt perfectly normal apart from the stitching. She said it looked great !So I’m confused that it should look and feel worse.