re-called after mammogram by yingy

re-called after mammogram by yingy

re-called after mammogram by yingy I have started this topic for new user yingy

Kind Regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

I was re-called after mammogramm and a small lump was on the xray - which they or I could not feel. I had ultra sound and a core biopsy and I am waiting results. The lump measure 7mm so is very tiny but I am still worried sick.

lump Hi yingy,

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I was diagnosed in February. They found two lumps, one was 2mm and the other 9mm. Just went for a routine mammogram (I’m 45) so the news was terrifying. For the next couple of weeks I was in a daze while they did lots of tests. The waiting was the worst part cos you have no idea what you’re dealing with.

Once the results were back and the surgery and treatment happened, I felt a lot more positive and was able to get through it.

Do hope your results come back soon. Everyone in the forum knows what it’s like and you’ll find they’re supportive and friendly. The nurses on the helpline are also great to talk to.

Keep us posted!
Big hugs to you,

Jacki xx

Non palpable lump Hi Yingy-
I also was recalled after a normal 3 yrly mammo - was perplexed as I couldn’t feel any lump in either breast. Had to see my GP in between for Crohn’s problems, and asked her to feel my breasts -nothing! Guess the tumour, 2 cm, was deep inside the breast as it certainly showed up on the mammo when they showed it to me. It was obviously a great shock.

However, I am so thankful I went for the 3 yrly mammo, and although not caught early (with hindsight I would have gone privately for an annual mammo) as it had spread to my lymph nodes, I would not have known I had bc but for the mammo.

If your problem is bc, it has been caught been early so you have every hope to have a long life.
Take care

Dear lesleyh I began reposting your post in order to start a new topic for you and lost it due to technical difficulties, I do apologise and hope that you are able to repost it very soon.

Kind regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

I have posted this on behalf of yingy

Kind Regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

Hi Jacki & Liz

Thanks for replying - it has made me feel so much better. I don’t know what my result is yet but just knowing somebody has taken the time to respond to you is a lovely feeling. I go tomorrow morning so as soon as I know I will let you know.

Lots a Love xx