reconstruction concerns

Hi everyone, i,m new to the site. Am considering reconstruction. Had mastectomy Aug. 2006, followed by chemo.
My questions are: area where had mastectomy still quite sensitive to touch - is this normal. Also seen p.s. Mr. Baildam.
Anyone know anything about him? Thanks girls. Would appreciate your reply,
Rosie x

Hi Rosie

You are welcome to email our team of specialist nurses via our ‘Ask the nurse’ service for advice, you can find this service under the ‘Support for you’ tab at the top of this page, alternatively, you can call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 which opens Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Hi rosebud454
Im too quite new to the site and also considering reconstruction I go to see the consultant on 12th May. Not to sure how long it takes to completely heal but some take longer than others or so Ive been told, I had a WLE 5 years ago with radiotherapy and a mastectomy in Feb 2008 on same side, I remember that it still felt tender for several months even after WLE and i wouldnt be surprised if im like you still tender a long time after this surgery. Not much help with Mr Baildam Im afraid maybe someone in your neck of the woods may know. Good luck with your reconstruction if you go ahead.
best wishes

hi luvmikids, thanks for your reply. I really would like reconstruction, have been recommended the LD one from
the back. Worried also that it will weaken my shoulder. You worry dont you whether it will be even more debilitating than the original surgery made you. I,m such a wimp! Good luck on the 12th May. What type of recon have you been recommended. What is WLE by the way?

All the best,
Rosie x

Hi all

You may find Breast Cancer Care’s publication about breast reconstruction helpful to read. The publication can either be ordered via the website using the link or by calling the helpline on - 0808 800 6000 which is open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm Saturday, 9am - 2pm.

Best wishes


I had a mastectomy and immediate recon using the LD muscle without an implant last Nov. It is a long op. but I had no problems apart from the seroma afterwards, but that soon resolved.
I have been able to do everything I could before, housework (yuk), cleaning windows, digging the garden, carrying shopping, etc. I played 20 games of 10 pin bowling on Tuesday without any after effects.
I am pleased with my recon, it gives a very natural result, I may need an uplift on the other side at some time, but at the moment it is a pretty good match.

Good luck with your decision


Hi abismum

Thanks for reply. I was never good at 10 pin bowling!! I do enjoy swimming, but dont go much these days.
How long ago since you had your op. You seem to be able to do everything you did before. My op was 19 months ago and i still dont hoover – i delegated, since i dont want lymphoedema on top of everything else!
Take care

Hi Rosie

Don’t know whether I can help much, but just wanted to explain my decision. I had the choice of immediate recon with back flap or with inflatable inplant. As I already have some problems in my other arm/shoulder, I did not want to take the chance of a weak muscle in the other side. I therefore opted for the implant solution. Must say, was very pleased, although you have to be prepared for several months of visits to the clinic to have the implant inflated. I then had a very quick (in and out) procedure to remove the port under my arm after the implant was the right size. I was offered nipple recon, but decided against this as it would have involved yet another operation and more time off work, so cosmetically the result was not brilliant. But I was able to wear all my normal clothes, bras, bikinis, low tops etc. so pleased with that. The decision has to be yours at the end, but perhaps you can talk through all the options with the BC nurse before deciding and look at some pictures. I had a long session with my BC nurse and a lot of photos to look at, so knew what to expect.

By the way, WLE means wide local excision - so no mastectomy, but a large lumpectomy, which can sometimes leave you with one boob a lot smaller than the other.

Your question re lymphoedeam is valid, if you carry too too heavy weights or over-exercise there is the chance of this developing, so I went back to swimming but avoid all other exxtreme exercises where I have to stretch a lot or put a lot of weight/stress on my arm (I had total auxillary clearance, so very high risk of lymphoedema)

Best of luck with your decision.


Hi Rosie

My op was in Nov.2007. I had sentinel node dissection first and only 6 nodes were taken and found to be clear, so I not at risk of lymphoedema, but I can understand why you don’t do certain things.

I think you need to do more research, I changed my mind from implant to LD flap having checked it all out. There are lots of websites with pictures and information. get surfing!!!

Good luck


Hi Birgit and abismum,

Will take all your comments on board. Think i need to do a bit more research before final decision.
Did you all see more that one p.surgeon before your decisions?
Thanks all.

Hi again

I only saw one surgeon, as there is only one here in Cornwall who can do recons. He went through the options with me and then I surfed the net for more info before making my final decision.

Good luck