skin tag?

I noticed a small lump/skin tag underneath the unaffected breast. I’ve never felt it before but the breast has become a little larger.
I thought that it was because I had the lumpectomy on the other side,
so the opther side might be a little smaller.
I’m 4 and a half years through treatment.
Should I go to the GP. I know that sounds a stupid question but I’m sick of going for bemign lumps.
Appreciate your help.

Simple answer, YES.

If it’s enough to worry you that you post on here, then it’s enough to warrant a trip to the doc. I don’t know of any decent doctor who wouldn’t be happy to take a look and give you reassurance if it’s nothing, but every doctor would be horrified if you felt unable to go for something that turned out to warrant treatment.

Book your appointment today.



Thought I had already posted but it has “disappeared” sorry if 2 turn up.

I also have a “lump” on side of my right breast. In fact when I was called back after first mammo screening convinced this was why & must be cancer.

It wasn’t; they wanted to see left boob (DCIS - 2 WLE & Rads).

Anyway my lump was referred to as a fatty lump/cyst; and annoying but they wern’t interested or concerned about it. If it grows they said my GP could arrange for it to be removed.

However my boob wasn’t swollen & you are worrying as you’ve posted.
Please go to see your GP as there is no point worrying if you don’t need to & equally as important if you need to have something done the earlier the better.

Take care