st Johns wart and tamoxifen

My GP suggested I take St. Johns Wart as a mild antidepressant, when I had a reaction to the prescribed medicine. However I am sure I have read somewhere you shouldn’t take it if you are on tamoxifen.

I have searched the archives but nothing found, I just have this nagging doubt in my head.

Has anyone else heard of this or has any information on the topic? The GP said it was OK.


Yes my sister in law is on Tamoxifen and had to stop taking St John’s Wort. It may be an idea to talk to your breast surgeon about this or your oncologist. My sister in law also was told not to take any over the counter medicines withoout checking first with her doctor or pharmacist who can look up adverse reactions and contra indications.

Hope that helps

Hi helfire

Our factsheet contains advice and information about taking Tamoxifen and St John’s Wort, you can read it via the link, although the advice contained here regarding St John’s Wort is as follows:

‘The herbal remedy St John’s wort has been shown to interact with tamoxifen and it is not advisable to take this’.

If you need any further advice or wish to talk through your concerns with someone in confidence, please call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 which opens Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Thanks for all the comments

I have an appointment with the surgeon next week I will leave it until then.