uffff! got to go back tomorrow evening for results

Hi all, i am back from my appointment which i can only explain as a “cattle market”!!!. The consultant didnt turn up until around 6pm as he was stuck in theatre so there was a mad dash for him to see everyone. He examined me and said he didnt think it was anything to worry about but would send me for a mammogram to be safe. So went down to have the mammogram and the radiologist was lovely- i had a joke with her telling her that it didnt hurt at all as ive breast fed all 3 of my children and so now my boobs can move into many positions! lol. During the mammogram she asked if i was currently breastfeeding and she seemed quite alarmed when i said “no my youngest is now 4 years old”…not sure if im reading into this too much. Anyway she said once this was done id be free to go unless they found something that they thought needed an ultrasound. And yes they then sent me for an ultrasound- nurse was lovely but the consultant radiologist didnt even speak. I saw on the screen a big black blob which he was measuring. He finished the scan and left the room not even speaking! The nurse told me to come back tomorrow evening for the results. I am alittle worried but hoping that its a cyst, am wondering though if the radiologist asking me if i was breastfeeding has anything to do with what they have found?

UGH! I really wish the medical professionals would be more aware of what they say as we read everything into anything that’s said - both negatively and positively.

I can’t comment on the breastfeeding comment but just sending a hug. They are obviously being thorough which is good (some of us on here were misdiagnosed for a while). This time tomorrow you will know either way. HOPEFULLY it will be good news BUT if it is bad news, we will be here to support you and it is actually better to know where you stand and the treatment plan than waivering in limbo, waiting for results, imagining the very worst.

I hope you are able to keep yourself as busy as possible for the next 24 hours. Fingers crossed for good news.


Hi Jocro,

Just posted about you elsewhere saying I was thinking of you. So another day of waiting poor you, have some wine. Being positive at least its tomorrow not next week, plus the US might be so they can drain if its a benign cyst yeah. Fingers crossed! Sorry I can’t be more help, maybe call the helpline tomorrow they might know, they’re so helpful.
Thanks for letting us all know, I hope you can sleep.

Foxy xx

Jocro, glad you’re back and posted. Not sure but isn’t black blob good? Isn’t that fluid? Fingers x’d for your results x

Glad you are back Jocro, been thinking of you

Sorry you have to wait another day, but I would be reassured by the surgeon saying he doesn’t think it is anything sinister. After all, he must have felt hundreds of lumps!

I loved your comment earlier about your hubby saying ‘don’t worry about me - you just carry on posting on FB’!

I am sure FB was a contributing factor in ex going elseswhere :frowning: LOL!

Jocro , as a veteran of many mammograms for lumps and bumps over the years, I can tell you that black does mean fluid-filled and therefore much more likely to be a cyst. I once had one so big that my GP looked frightened when he examined it. It disappeared almost completely when he aspirated it but he sent me for all the checks anyway. Hope ypu are back here tomorrow evening telling us that the news was good.

Hi Jocro,

I’m sure you’re getting a bit jittery right now, but it sounds good to me (what do I know?) … but thinking positive thoughts and sending a hug to you, let us know.

Foxy :slight_smile: x

Hi Jocro,

If only medical staff would allow us to read their minds, I think it highly unreasonable that they don’t let us into their heads.

I was lucky with the ultra sound radiologist, he is the clinical director for screening at our hospital, so he’s quite chatty, and reassured me.

I am thinking a cyst, or fibroadenoma, if I were to lay money on a dark lump on sonogram.

Good luck.

See Jocro and Sommer knows things, I hope mine is the same its very hard and aches all down my right side sooo would make sense if it was fluid as it were …god roll on Monday. Been so tired but I think thats stress :slight_smile: x

Big hugs jocro, soon be over x. Foxy, i think if it hurts thats good x

Worry can do so much damage, Foxy and Scared, it has a deeper effect on us than we think!

What time do you have to go back jocro?

Fingers crossed for you.

I have spent all day being totally consumed with worry. Have a half a bottle of wine to drink tonight. It will go straight to my head as it will probably be on an empty stomach! The last thing I want to do is eat!
Had a fish finger sandwich for tea last night which, I have to admit was yummy!