very scared and bewildered

Just been diagnosed last week. Going in for surgery with guided wire? then surgery again if not successful. Anyone else been treated at the Churchill, Oxford

Dear Cathy

Welcome to the forums, I am sorry to read of your recent diagnosis, I am sure that you will receive lots of support and information from your fellow forum members very soon. I also wanted to let you know that Breast Cancer Care have published a Resource Pack, it has been designed for anyone newly diagnosed with information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and various treatments, it is available via the following link or by contacting the helpline:

You may find our helpline useful to call during this time for more information, they can also give information about our other support services and also offer support and a ‘listening ear’. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm, Saturday, 9am - 2pm.

I hope you find this helpful.

Best wishes


Hi Cathy59,
i was treated at the Churchill - they are very good and the nurses on the ward are lovely and look after you really well, you’ll look very funny with the wire in, they cover it with a plastic cup to keep it safe.
I was very frightened of the surgery, but found i was in no real pain afterwards, didn’t need painkillers and because you’re in ward with everyone in for the same thing, the sense of cameraderie was very high and we were rolling with laughter most of the time
good luck

Hi Cathy59
I had a wire as well ( not at Churchill)but no plastic cup!! Must be NHS cuts!! It did mean the tumour was very small though.

Hi Cathy,
I was having my mastectomy at the Churchill when you posted this, so I did not see it until I just ran a search on Oxford on the forum.
The staff at the Jane Ashley Unit are wonderful, absolutely brilliant. I also met with my Oncologist this week (Not sure whether I am allowed to post his name here). I had a very good feel as well.

Our path might cross.
P.S. What is guided wire.

Hi Sophie

You must have had your op two weeks ago, then - a week before me. The staff are lovely and the ward itself is a brilliant set up. I had images of going into a general surgical ward, not a ward specifically geared up for ladies with BC. I had a guided wire op which just means they had to place a wire into my lump using ultrasound before the op so the surgeon could locate it. I go back tomorrow to see if they have managed to remove it with clear margins, if not, more surgery, but to be honest, I won’t be anywhere near as scared as I was first time round. I am sure our paths will cross somewhere along the line.
