wobbly legs, bad afro's and a dodgy ticker, cheers cancer :p

Been a while but needed to vent as I think the rest of the world thinks I’m all grand now, grrrrrr. Quote after a friend heard I’d suffered a mini stroke due to meds “oh I thought you’d be ok now it’s been a year” derhhhh!! I can’t walk properly and my legs go wobbly, I wake up in the morning and my hands flap about aimlessly til I get feeling back, my hair, my God my hair, even I burst out in hysterical laughter when I look at my ever expanding afro in the mirror. My God if people could See me in my lop sided side show Bob state in the morning :confused: all I can say is Jesus it’s a good job I’m single. Oh and now my poor ticker has decided it wants to give me grief so yet more tests, poking and prodding for me :frowning:

On a brighter note though ars to it it’s my life even with legs that go in oposite directions, hands that decide to wake up ten minutes after I do, hair you could loose your tv remote in and a poor ticker that likes to grumble at me now and again. I’ll get there one day just like we all will then it’s two fingers up to all of it :slight_smile:

Ah Whiskers,


Sometimes it’s sh@te isn’t it?

Bless you Whiskers, at least you still have a sense of humour. :womanwink: xx

You’ve given me quite a giggle. My hair is mad! I managed to get a ‘back of my head’ view today. Bird’s nest doesn’t even begin to describe it!

I think it’s important where possible to keep hold of our sense of humour because with that you can keep smiling :slight_smile: I try to always look on the bright side and try and laugh at something at least 3 times a day even if it’s myself, cliche as it sounds laughter IS the best medicine :smiley:

Now back to the hair, anyone else have problems with keeping there wigs from rising off there heads. I swear the the flipping bigger my mushroom doo gets the more the flaming thing just rises off my head. I resembled that chap from slade the other day with the fringe it popped up that much :confused:

Oh and forgot to mention I did buy some of those teeny tiny straighteners to at least tame the fro’ for anybody thinking about giving them a try, don’t as my lovely nails I managed to grow back are now melted to them :frowning: maybe I should of waited til my hair was a teensy bit longer than an inch :confused: