worried sick!!

Hi there I’m wondering if anyone can help me?
I’m a mother of 2 aged 34, I’ve found a lump in right breast and have a little swelling to my area under my armpit.
Doc examined me and felt the lump and swelling and said to go back in 3 weeks after my period.
It’s quite painful my armpit area and I was due my smear yesterday to which the nurse referred me back to my doc today as said it’s important to be checked.
Doctor still insists I have to wait and I’m worried sick, I lost my brother last yr due to not having regular surveillance for his illness which lead to stage four esophageal cancer and I think i should be taken a little more seriously by doctors. Aged 23 I had cin 3 cervical cancer cells removed I’m just so worried :frowning:
Has anyone else been told they have to wait? Also a liquid leaked from my nipple which I explained, and my breasts have slightly changed shape. When I spoke to nurse today she more or less said I’m too young for mammogram. . Myself and my family are worried.

Hi Kam123  

I am sorry to read you’re having a such a difficult and worrying time at the moment, I’m sure some of the other users will be a long soon to offer you their knowledge and support. 

In the meantime if you need can I suggest you give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000.  Here you can talk through your thoughts and concerns with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information. Lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Kam123,

Sorry to hear of the worry you are going through right now. The chances are it’s morning serious, but that is not for the doctor to decide - it’s for the breast clinic to investigate and give you confirmation one way or the other.

I’m also 34 and went to the dr’s aged 32 with a lump I found in my breast. I was desperate NOT to be referred and just wanted my GP to say everything was fine. She referred me straight away though and said that no matter what, if you present with an unexplained lump, no matter your age, you are referred under the 2 week wait to the breast clinic.

9/10 people referred to the breast clinic will find that their lump is either a cyst or another benign type of breast issue. I was not one of the lucky ones however and was diagnosed with breast cancer.

My advice to you would be to go back to your GP and insist on a referral - not waiting 3 weeks. Your age really should not be a factor in this as yes, 34 is young for a mammogram, but they also do ultrasounds etc which are more reliable for younger women.

As I said, the chances are it’s nothing. But sitting waiting around, not knowing one way or the other is the most awful thing. I was in pieces during the whole referral process but actually found a strange sense of calm when I was told the news - I think at least then you can just get on with treating it.

Sorry, as always with me I’ve waffled on, but I really would insist your GP refers you now, not in 3 weeks.

All the best, you’ll be fine.

K xx

*nothing not morning! :slight_smile:

I have to agree that is one decision that no doctor should be making.


you have more than 1 worrying symptom but saying you are too young is complete bull. If you wait three weeks you will have to wait another two weeks for your appointment.


I am afraid you are now going to have to hound your surgery and insist they refer you until they do it. Stick to your guns and insist on it, no woman should be fobbed off like this, regardless of age. 


the worry and stress of not knowing is torture and your  doctor is putting you through an extra 3 weeks of it


im sure the doctor would not be waiting if it was his/her loved one…


Take care





Thanks so much for advice I will keep pushing it with doctors but what is frustrating is the nurse I seen yesterday stated it could be a infection, which if so surely I’d need medication for… but thanks for advice I know it may be nothing but when you read such horrific stories about young girls who have been diagnosed its scarey.
I’ve lost a couple of friends also due to various cancers both girls were early 20’s I just don’t understand how they can puta age on cancer.
I have probably lost a lot of faith in the nhs after my brother’s horrific ordeal to which they stated he fell through the system. .I just think where there is even a tad of doubt it should be looked at.
But thanks girls xx

Is there a different dr u could see? U should be referred to breast unit within 2 weeks. Thats what they did with me when I found my lump age 34. They will do ultrasound as well as mammogram. 34 is not too young for a mammo, Ive been having them every year since my diagnosis at 34. Push for a referral, do not leave it any longer. Good luck x