So tired I can't even take my dog for a walk...

I’ve just had three weeks of whole brain radiotherapy and two weeks of boost (to the tumour) radiotherapy. I was warned the fatigue could be quite significant but this is ridiculous! On my first day off from radiotherapy I’ve spent the morning in my pj’s on the sofa, watching tv, then had a lunchtime snooze. I barely managed to have some lunch, legs are all shaky. Really wanted to take my lovely dog for a walk but everytime I get up I feel weak and feeble. Pathetic…

Tina, It’s NOT pathetic so don’t be hard on yourself … I am almost finished 3 weeks of RADS on my breast and didn’t realise how it would take it out of me. Weary and shattered no matter how much sleep I get!!!

Be kind to yourself and let your body recover in its own time. Take care Maureen x

hi tina did post before but dont know where it is so if 2 pop up ignore it !there is no way you are pathetic the treatment you have had is bound to leave you exhausted bless you, just rest up and listen to your body and am sure your energy will return and so will lovely long walks for your dog xxx

Hi Tina

Quite agree with fairyqueen and map3uk’s comments. I think what you are experiencing seems quite normal and you really do have go listen to your body and do what it is telling you to do. 3 weeks ago I completed 15 rads (3 weeks) on my breast and still have not managed to do a full week at work of just mornings. In fact last week I over pushed myself and by Thursday felt so dreadful i.e. head felt like cotton wool, almost numb sensation and limbs like lead and so wobbly that I thought I was going to pass out and had to sit for 10 mins with head between my knees. Just didn’t know what to do with myself. Couldn’t drive and in the end had to be taken home whereupon I collapsed on sofa and slept for 30 mins.

Sorry to go on but hopefully that was some help to you. Take care of yourself

Much love

Lynn x

Thank you for all your kind comments. I ended up wobbling around for a 20 minute walk with my hubby and dog - nearly didn’t make it but collapsed on sofa, sobbing with frustration. I then got a severe telling off from hubby…for being too hard on myself. :wink: So today I shall concentrate on anything I can do sitting down!

Hi Tina

The others are quite right, given what you have just been through it is a miracle that you can even get out of bed!

This is a great link recommended by some of the other ladies on the site, section 13 deals with fatigue, it gives some very good pointers as to how to cope with it and how to improve things.

I have also just bought The Cancer Survivor’s Companion, this is a great book which covers most of the problems we encounter after treatment has finished and this too has a good section on fatigue.

Please don’t beat yourself up because you haven’t bounced back like Tigger!

Take it easy
DaisyGirl xx

Yep do be kind to yourself - I’ve just had only 5 days of rads to my spine and that’s wiped me out - just go into sleepy mode and have to sleep. Am telling myself that’s my bodies way of coping and recovering so am trying not to feel too frustsrated. After 3 weeks I’m finally getting some energy - so do give yourself “time”.
Best wishes.

I’m so sorry to hear about your exhaustion, and hope things soon improve for you. I’m on day 12 of 15, and find I’m tired too, but can’t sleep! Also grumpy, weepy…? It’s so easy to worry about how everyone else in the family is coping that you forget about yourself! Pace, Prioritise and Plan activities is what I’ve been told. Easier said than done! All good wishes, everyone. X