Am I being naive?

3.5 weeks ago I found a hard small lump near my right nipple,  2 days later went to the doctor,  5 days later had a mammogram,  ultra sound and core biopsy during 1st consolation.  Possible 25mm cancer lump and 2 other areas of concern. 

I still want convinced. 

2 weeks later… results then more tests. Started on Tamoxifen. They identified a 3mm calcification on the other breast needing vacuum biopsy which was done yesterday after having over 20 photos including enhanced mammograms taken on Monday when eliminated the other area of concern. 

So… now I have confirmed Est +, Her- Grade 2 26mm sized cancer on the right and possible DCIS on the left. I’m still convinced that this is bit really an issue. 

Cancer comes in so many forms…I am very lucky… is this naive?

Hi Lunatic

I was interested in your post. Naive? If you are saying you consider you’ve been lucky, then don’t question it - the more positive your outlook, the easier the experience of treatment will be. You may be someone who tackles things fearlessly. This may be a powerful defence mechanism kicking into place. I don’t know. Personally, I just numbed out - let them get on with it, but, given my diagnosis, I wasn’t lucky.

Everyone’s experience is unique. If you are feeling positive, hold on tightly to it. I remember my mother being very dismissive of her first breast cancer - she only told two people. Her second bout, 20 years later, required radiotherapy and she still made very little of it. That was her nature. It thought me not to see breast cancer as a devastation (though at times I confess it has felt like it for me, I’v still not feared it). What’s important is that you empathise with those people getting their diagnoses and reacting differently to you.

I wish you all the best with the treatment ahead. There’s no set treatment and no set reaction, If you want to stay positive, avoid googling anything. That would be my one warning. Good luck x

Hi Ms. Naive, I congratulate you on your approach to this disease and the accompanying treatments. Breast Cancer is very prevalent, but also very treatable. I echo your sentiments, and like you feel very lucky I live in these most pro active medical times. Not only have I accessed the very best medical attention, I have had psychological services to support my resilience, Tai Chi to build up physical strength , and such great peer support from this organisation. How lucky am I? I’m 74, overweight and four years from diagnosis. Just enrolled on a Marie Curie PA course!! Living with, not dying from, cancer . Good luck. X

Hi Lunatic,

I totally agree with Jaybro’s comment that individuals all respond differently to diagnosis, and clearly it is so much harder if the bc is at a later stage when diagnosed.

When I was diagnosed I felt fortunate that I’d found the lump before it had too much chance to spread. My partners sister, also in her 40’s, had been diagnosed with stage 4 aggressive lung cancer, with secondaries in multiple organs including the brain, about 3/4 year before my diagnosis. Very sadly, due to the aggressive nature of that type of lung cancer, treatments to reduce spread didn’t work. Re my bc diagnosis, I thought myself fortunate in that my bc had been caught early enough for treatment to really make a big difference, plus just as significantly, that it wasn’t a rare highly aggressive lung cancer (far more aggressive than bc) - how could I complain when treatment stood a good chance of working, and she didn’t really have any options.

Also, someone told me people often go through ‘why me’ thoughts. I didn’t experience any of that, much more that’s life, I got it, let’s get on removing it, zapping it, and trying to reduce chances of it coming back.

Having said all that, it’s still bc, so be aware that your feelings may change at some point (even if momentarily). If your feelings do change, they are just as valid - many women refer to their bc journey as being bit of a rollercoaster for good reason. In the meanwhile keeping your stress level as low as possible can only be a good thing, so roll with your current mode.

Be kind to yourself and take one day at a time. 

X Seabreeze (6 years on from initial treatments, still taking hormone therapy to reduce chance of recurrence) 

Hi, I echo the sentiment that we all react differently to our diagnosis and you are not necessarily being naive. 
I too, considered myself fortunate that I had a straightforward, early diagnosis with options available to deal with it. I worried that I hadn’t cried or felt devastated and worried that I would get hit with it all when I was out in public and someone said or did something to suddenly set me off wailing!

Luckily that hasn’t happened and one of the reasons was this forum. I read and read and took what I needed from each post. I was welcomed and supported by people who knew how I felt and I realised that I was actually pretty scared and anxious as well but it’s just my way to keep it inside. I cope by feeling fortunate and trying to be happy day by day. I’m not worrying about the future, I think someone on here said to keep that door closed which is excellent advice if you can. I think you just have to be you and that’s all you can do.

my best wishes to you. X