Awaiting second biopsy, scared

I have been diagnosed with a grade one lesion and a non palpable grade 2 in the other breast, had markers put in and now waiting for a second biopsy on lesion behind the first lump and armpit ultrasound. Feeling lost and afraid and since biopsy I am feeling all sorts of twinges, I hope this is not too sinister. So terrified of what else will be unearthed and how bad a prognosis is. Does everyone feel this helpless?

Hi Angie sorry you find yourself here.  I’m sure we all know how you’re feeling right now.   Try not to worry too much as Grade 1 and 2 are very treatable.  I think the stage you’re at is the hardest as you’re in the dark but once you get your treatment plan it should get easier.  I’ve just had a successful lumpectomy for grade 3 and that has been such a mental boost and now just have to wait and see what’s next.  The waiting is the hardest but you will get through this.  Big hug x

Hi Angie

You’d have to be super-human not to feel devastated at a cancer diagnosis. It overturns your world and your sense of safety. This is a very hard time as you wait for the final diagnosis but you are in the best of hands. There is a multi-discipline team (MDT) working out the best treatment plan for you, based on their findings. Each test usually reveals new information (I had 4 diagnoses in 4 weeks) so don’t be pessimistic. You want them to get it right. Once treatment starts, you’ll get used to the new cancer language and realise it’s all manageable and often not that scary.

In the meantime, be proactive about your emotional health. You aren’t helpless, just in shock. Constant anxiety is not helpful so practise what you usually practise (if you do) - meditation, mindfulness, yoga, baking, running - I relied on YouTube videos by Progressive Hypnosis and would gain hours of peace of mind (or sleep). Steer clear of Google. It doesn’t have the answers you want and usually causes alarm, if not terror. Most people here would echo that advice. If you have any questions or need to offload, ring your breast care nurse (if you have one) or ring the nurses here - they are so good.

Wishing you all the best for a good outcome,

Jan x

Hi Angie,

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. If we can do anything at all to support you - whether that’s reaching out to our Helpline, or services such as Someone Like Me, please do get in touch. 

Wishing you all the best x