Diagnosed today

Received my diagnosis of stage 1 cancer this afternoon. Bizarrely I feel ‘grateful‘ that it’s isolated and completely treatable but still In total shock.

feels like an out-of-body experience 

Hi Cookies4

Any diagnosis is a shock and you’ve probably had a few weeks of waiting, wondering, dreading… It really takes it out of you. I’m not sure why cancer and not something else but that seems to be how it is. You’ll find here there’s no hierarchy of gravity of diagnosis. Breast cancer is breast cancer and, while you ARE indeed fortunate it has been caught early, you are still entitled to feel every emotion you need to feel. If you feel grateful or relieved, don’t tinge it with guilt or anything negative.

It’s good you felt able to use the forums. I hope you’ll find others with a similar diagnosis to share your experiences with - and of course feel free to ask whatever questions you want to ask. You’ll meet with a warm response, whatever your stage. I wish you all the best in your treatment. Take good care of yourself and your emotions! 

Jan x

Hi cookies4. I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was diagnosed in June and to begin with I felt ‘normal’, I think having it confirmed calmed me down, strangely! But later it hit me, it doesn’t feel real. Do you know anything about your treatment plan yet? Try and get lots of support and advice. Good luck with your journey 

Hi Cookies4

Bad luck on your diagnosis but great to hear it’s treatable and that you’re feeling so positive.

I had a similar diagnosis (grade 2) in February and felt relieved it wasn’t worse. I’ve been on Letrozole since and will be for 7 years and had a mastectomy with immediate implant reconstruction at the end of July.

I have continued to feel grateful for my diagnosis, despite the occasional side effects from the meds and the post-op soreness. You hang on to your glass-half-full approach, it will serve you well before and after treatment.

Wishing you well and sending hugs

Susie x