Itchy rash 5 weeks after lumpectomy

Hi .

Long story but I had a lumpectomy 5weeks ago for mucinous carcinoma and was informed everything was clear. Clear margin and 2 clear lymph nodes. 

I was doing really well and am due to begin radiotherapy next week however 5 days ago a large red, warm , itchy rash appeared over the site I had had my tumour removed. 

At first I thought it was a reaction to something and put E45 and sudocream on it . Nothing worked so I rang my clinic and was able to see my surgeon .

She thought it may be a slight infection and have me antibiotics. I was given ultrasound and I had a seroma drained. I’m 3 days into medication and it’s still the same.

I have also taken antihistamines but nothing is helping .

I stupidly googled the symptoms and I have now diagnosed myself with inflammatory breast cancer…to say I am petrified is an understatement. 

I have researched that it can happen and I am now inconsolable. I mentioned it to my surgeon and she brushed over it very quickly.  Has anyone experienced anything similar??

Hi Nat,

         It’s so difficult not to imagine the worse case scenario during this journey, I do it all the time! I find it helpful to try and employ logical brain

  1. you’ve been seen by Consultant who was reassuring 

  2. you’ve had a scan 

  3. It’s over the operation site and not somewhere else on the breast. Your surgery was relatively recent and healing is still taking place 

  4. You’re being treated with antibiotics. Sometimes with wounds it takes longer to see an improvement than if you were taking them for an ear infection or tonsillitis where you see results on day one. 

If you’re still feeling so worried perhaps phone your breast care nurse or make arrangements to see the consultant again. 
Wishing you the best of luck for your next steps 

Mel xx 

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Hello Nat1972

So sorry to hear how upset you are.  You’re right about not looking at the internet as the information isn’t always right and is often misleading.  I had a mastectomy 3 weeks ago and have an angry itchy rash which I have asked the breast clinic nurse about and will let you know the reply I get.  In the meantime my thoughts are with you.



I did get an infection after a segmental mastectomy but it was painful rather than itchy. I had antibiotics that didn’t get rid of the infection and eventually the surgeon made a big hole in the side of the scar all the gunge came out and then it had to heal from the inside with the help if I remember of a sea weed dressing, might have been something else but whatever it was it took a long time to heal from the inside. I would avoid looking on the internet or indeed taking too much notice of the experiences of other people such as myself. The surgeons or oncologists can order biopsies if there is any chance of cancer anywhere new, so be guided by them. It’s pretty grim after only five weeks, going from a person waiting for treatment to one at an early stage post op. You need rest and recuperation then recovery. That’s hard with radiotherapy ahead but they now seem to do 15 sessions and that’s the end of it usually. I had two Häagen-Dazs tubs on two successive days after the end of radiotherapy as I think virtue should be rewarded. I suggest you choose a treat or treats of your choice so you can enjoy moving forward. At least to some extent. Seagulls. I should have fish of course, being a seagull