
Been taking letrozole cipla brand for the last 3 months not been having many side effects except for hot flushes wanting to take all my clothes off and running around naked lol. Been back to the doctors and been prescribed the crescent brand…now this is an entirely different kettle of fish …my joints are like an 80 year old walking around like I’ve messed myself!!! Phoned up to be told I didn’t stipulate the brand so I have to tell them next time…don’t think I can do this for the next 3 months feeling really let down.

Paula - contact GP and explain the situation and ask them if they can re-issue prescription if possible stipulating which brand - or ask the pharmacy if they will order the brand that suits you - if they won’t ring round til you find one that will .From what I’ve read a lot of people find Accord brand quite kind as far as side effects go so may be worth trying if you have trouble getting Cipla .I found Boots pharmacist helpful when it came to ordering specific brands .