
Hi  had a mastectomy on my right breast last Tuesday and all the lymph nodes removed from under my arm , but today I have an ache at the top of back of my arm is this normal please xx

Hi daffodil

Me again! From my experience, definitely yes - it happens a lot. When you think about the ‘brutality’ of the surgery (which saves our lives), nerves will be severed, particularly if you’ve had the full axillary clearance (all the nodes removed). I had my mastectomy and FAC in October 2018 and the back of my arm has never really recovered - my elbow skin feels very sore occasionally and much of the back of my upper arm feels numb.

You will have been given a series of exercises to carry out. I can’t tell you how important they are and how you should write them into your daily routine. I stopped as soon as I got good movement. Not my best decision. I’m still struggling to keep full movement in that arm as a result and have a regular session with the oncology rehabilitation physio (till now of course).

Your breast care nurse will talk to you about the potential risks of cording and how to massage your arm to reduce the effect of any damage. If she doesn’t, ask. The advice I was given about both has been incredibly useful but I’ve come across women who’ve heard nothing about sweeping the lymph to another system (mid back, mid chest or waist level) to help reduce the risk of lymphodoema. 

I’m afraid your daily routines are going to have to adjust permanently!

All the best - what a terrible time to be diagnosed and have to embark on cancer treatment but at least surgery has made you cancer-free :).

Jan x

Hi daffodil63, yes this is quite normal and the pain can move around as everything is healing and tightening.  You may also get cording which is when you feel like you have guitar strings in your armpit.  I had complete numbness down the back of my arm for a long time after having all of my lymph nodes removed but have slowly gained some sensation back.  Your physiotherapist should be able to show you how to self massage to alleviate the pain and this will also compliment your physio exercises.  Xx