12 years later Still sore shape is changing

I had my sugery 12 years ago and still get nerve pain through my reconstruction, down my back and through my arm. I had a LD flap reconstruction. I can move the reconstruction as the nerve still functions. My natural breast has gotten bigger with weight gain and hormone changes. It pulls my bra so far over that the other side can be seen at the v neck of my uniform. I’m not sure who to go to for advice. When I phoned the breast care nurses at my local unit they said they don’t deal with people so long after treatment and I’d need to go to my gp and request a plastic surgery review. I know that with NHS cuts any further surgery may be seen as uneccessary. I phoned Maggies and their support group meets once a month when I’m working. I’m finding this more and more embarrising and upseting. The pain comes on suddenly and catches my breathe. I work with public which doesn’t help. Just don’t know where to go next.

Hello nic,


I am not going to be much help but I just saw your Post and I did not want to bypass it.  This must be so uncomfortable for you. 


The only thing that I would advise is, if you have not yet been to the GP then make an appointment and see if they suggest anything or refer you for a review.  Don’t discount things without even trying due to possible cuts etc.  Did you have LD flap with implant - as I would have thought a review would be due after 12 years if an implant was used.


I don’t know if it apt for you, but to redress the balance for the time being, is it possible to wear a larger bra to the size of the natural brest and use padding in the other side? Sorry if that sounds a bit dumb.


Best of luck to you,


Chick X


Not the same I know as I havent had a mastectomy but I only wear crop tops now…I put a couple of the pads you get with them in each cup to try to get a better shape.Find it too painful with the scarring around my breast and armpit to.bear a bra on.