Pain and swelling 5 months on

Hi I was diagnosed with dcis in sept 17, WLE Nov 17, lateral chest wall perforator flap reconstruction Dec 17 and radiotherapy Feb 18, I am still experiencing alot of pain with fluctuating amounts of swelling, my breast feels very hard and I have noticeable swelling on my back and pain down my arm with occasional swelling at my elbow. I didn’t have any lymph nodes removed and it is being implied that this is physcosomatic even though there is visable swelling on my back, I can’t help feeling that I have a lymph drainage problem. Has anyone else experienced this?

Dear Selina

Sorry that you havent had a response to your post as yet, I am sure that someone will be along soon to offer support and share their own experiences.

In the meantime you may find it helpful to speak with one of our specialists on the free Helpline, 0808 800 6000. 

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer



Hello and welcome to the forum.


I have not experienced this myself but it is possible other ladies on here will have so I am bumping your post up.  What I would say is to have a word with your breast team at the hospital as it is possible that you could have lymphedema, has anyone mentioned that possibility to you?  If it is you can be referred to a clinic for it I believe.


Let us know how you get on


Helena xx