Blood clots in lungs

I have lung mets that have responded well to Capecitabine and at last scan we’re stable. Unfortunately I developed blood clots in my lungs around 6 weeks ago. My breathing on exertion is poor, and I have oxygen at home.

I’m told they can take 3-6 months to resolve. I’m on daily Fragmin injections. Does anyone else have experience of clots and how they dissolved? I don’t seem to be able to find anyone else who has experienced this.

Hi Jayrand56

I am sorry that you haven’t had a reply to your post yet.  You may find it helpful to speak with one of our specialists on the Helpline, 0808 800 6000.

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Digital Community Officer

I had numerous  blood clots in my lungs after starting Capecitabine and I am too on daily injections. It’s been about 18 months since I was diagnosed with them so they should be all dissolved now I hope, my breathing is greatly improved but it did leave a part of my lung damaged and not repairable. On the whole I don’t feel it affects me greatly now I still get breathless when I exert myself too much ie going up hills.  How long have u had yours? I was told it can take a long time for them to go especially if you have a lot like I did.  Any other questions just ask, I hope this helps xx