Redefining the word Terminal

 Hi Ladies.

Do you think that terminology about cancer has moved with the times!

The word Terminal makes us all want to go home and give up, and yet it is used widely, even in the medical profession. Also, the media doesn’t help, when they high light “Terminal cases”.

I know this is a life limiting disease, but so is heart disease and everything associated with it

As a former oncology nurse and now a woman with stage 4 breast cancer I now feel more empowered to carry on. I know my limitations, but luckily I am still practicing but in another role.

I know it’s psychological but I bet people’s outlook would change if we stopped using words as fatal as the “T” word.

Live well




I was interested to read your post. I’m not really clear what terminal means. I have mets in my bones. It’s been made clear they aren’t curable. The oncologists don’t use the word terminal. I think different people mean different things by it don’t they?

i totally agree with you i always describe it as incurable but treatable. i still work and still live an ordinary life up to a point ie family holidays evenings out etc. i had a visit by a pallative care nurse the other day that spooked the life out of me, she kept talking prognosis (even after telling her nobody knows this) and giving me bed sore advice. i understand that the severity of the illness has to be understood but also think terminal takes away the hope of many years to come that we all wish and hope for x