Significantly shrunk

Hi I just wanted to give some good news and especially for those who have been recently diagnosed.

I had liver, breast and lymph spread found in January and I have been on three cycles of Palbociclib and letrozole.

I saw the oncologist on Monday and I have significant reduction so much so that they couldn’t find it at first in the liver and the lymph has gone, with small amount in the breast. 
As you can imagine I was overjoyed, I know this is a rollercoaster we are all on and it could change later but for the moment I’m happy with that.

Hi Cathyb

Fantastic news!!! So pleased for you.

Like yourself I have mets in liver and lymph nodes but also on my spine. I am on ribociclib which I think is a similar drug to yours? I’m also on letrozole, zoladex and Denosaumaub.  I had good results too two weeks ago with some shrinkage in the liver so I was over the moon too.

Thanks for sharing the good news, it’s great to hear positive stories and it gives me hope.

That’s fantastic news, so pleased for you and thank you for sharing!  Long may the good results continue  xxx

That’s fantastic news, I’m so pleased for you. 

Hi Cathy

Hope you are still keeping well?

I noticed on another post you mentioned a zoom meeting, is it possible you could pass my email on as I would like to join when I can.

My email is

Thank you! 

Cathyb9 that is brilliant news I am waiting for my first scan since I started treatment abemaciclib ,fulvestrant and denosumab injections. Fills us with hope when we read good news.