Swollen lymph node


I have been told I have a swollen lymph node pressing against a nerve under my arm pit where I had my breast cancer 

They now want to do a ct scan of my chest liver stomach 

Even though my cancer was small I do believe it has returned amd as there is no cure I feel sick to mystomach 

I watched mum die of breast cancer it was awful that was 1980    I was only 14 now my son has to watch me and I just can’t do it no one seems to understand everyone says I will be fine 

Except the doctors who one has already said there is no cure gp and my oncologist says she can’t say if I have or haven’t got it but because of all this trouble they going to so quickly it is clear I have got it 

Sorry to go on but I am genuinely scared more for my son than anything 

Dear @Bbbd4 , I’m sorry to read you are going through a difficult time.

Are you able to call our breast care nurses on freephone 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm, and Sat 9am-1pm)? It may be useful to chat things through, at your own pace, and see how we can help.

Sending you our warmest thoughts x


Hi I to had lots of cancerous lumps under my armpit. I found it in March

By my first scan in June they had all mostly disappeared I’m on Palbo and Letrozole. 
Hope this helps 

Cathy x