Advice on bra following mastectomy and immediate reconstruction

Hi everyone

My surgery was last week and my drain came out on Sunday.  All going well so far.

However, my reconstruction involves and implant followed by saline injections to achieve the final step.  To achieve this, a ‘port’ has been left in place just under the breast and on the stitching area.  It’s fine when I am walking about and sitting upright but when I go to bed, the bra seems to compress on the port qyite tightly and I am not getting much sleep.

Does anyone have any experience of this?  Are there any ways round this?  Bras with a longer band that might help?

Thank in advance and take care.

Hi in my reconstruction surgery I been wearing those soft surgery bra front zip opening type really comfortable I’m five months post op I can’t wear normal bra because it’s too uncomfortable still if you go Sainsbury you can have a look only ones I found supportive and comfortable