DEIP Flap vs. Implant

Hi everyone! New here as recently diagnosed with high grade DCIS, 46 years.
January 4th I was totally shocked, because no breast conserving surgery as I hoped initially,
but left sided mastectomy, sentinel node biopsy and immediate reconstruction: implant or DIEP Flap.

Monday, January 10, I need to give my decision, which type of reconstruction I am choosing.
Reading basic info in booklets about breast reconstruction, but if anyone came to same situation please put your thoughts here

Hi there,

I would advise seeing the surgeon first as you can research all the options and your body type might not be suitable. I have a similar diagnosis. 

there is a lot on DIEP on the forums but little on implants. DIEP is longer recovery and more scars but results seem to be very good if it works, as tissue feels more real so I was told. Implant has shorter recovery but may feel cold and not as symmetrical. 

if anyone has any more advice on implants especially the ADM mesh ones please post here. 

good luck with everything it’s hard going so hope you have all the support you need xxx