Pathology results - decision making

I was wondering if anyone is or has been in the same situation as me. I’m 47 and have a grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma, 25mm with 1/2 lymph node infiltration and Ki67 20%. Standard treatment offered includes chemo but I’ve been offered the POSNOC trial and OPTIMA trial and also informed that I can choose the combination of treatments myself! This is very daunting. Thanks. 

Hi KAK (love the name). I am similar diagnosis to you but further along. I was diagnosed Sept 2017 grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma 15mm 4 lymph nodes effected (2 under microscope only). 

I was offered to join the Optima trial (but not offered POSNAC) and can let you know my experience. I had to consent to having chemo. It’s a blind trial so only 50% of participants get tested. You could get tested and the results show you still need chemo. If you end up having chemo you won’t know if you were tested or not. Fortunately I was tested and my results showed that I didn’t need chemo and I went straight to radiotherapy. Let me know if I can answer any other questions. Michele