drains in after mastectomy?

Hello All


I’m new to the forums and just figuring how it all works.


I’m triple negativen and had a lumpectomy and total axillary clearance just over 3 weeks ago. After the results they cant be sure that they got all the pre-cancerous tissue so I am now looking at a 2nd op on 27th Dec for mastectomy. Given all the lpymphs have already been taken - I’m wondering whether they are likely to need a drain afterwards? Any thoughts?


Thank you XX

Hello Georgie, I had a mastectomy in October and I had a drain in for a day, it was removed before I went home. I hated the thought of a drain, but it wasn’t so bad as they put it in a little bag so you don’t see it much and it didn’t hurt. It helps to reduce the swelling from the incision etc which helps the healing, so it’s doing a useful job - I don’t think it’s to do with lymph nodes, though I guess it should mean this op will be quicker and less extensive. The drain was very secure and didn’t stop me sleeping. Before the op my nurse went through everything in great detail which helped prepare me so I hope your nurse helps you too. The phone helpline nurses on here are marvellous too. All the best x