A second operation


im new here. I was diagnosed with high grade DCIS 6 weeks ago and then had 4 other biopsies all clear. i felt lucky. I had surgery and went for my test results yesterday. I was told in addition to removing the DCIS they had also discovered a small grade 2 invasive cancer which they removed but now i need a further op to check its all clear and to check sentinel node. I feel so wiped out by the ups and downs of all this and Im trying to juggle work as well ( im the main bread winner). Grateful for any thought on coping as I dont feel like doing anything just so tired


I was diagnosed with intermediate grade DCIS in June and had a mastectomy and reconstruction 7 weeks ago.  Three weeks before my surgery I had a sentinel node biopsy - is this the second operation you are referring to?  Also, what surgery did you have?

When will you find out which type of surgery you need?