Follow up results after surgery

Good news and Bad news.


Initial diagnoses was DCIS then biopsy looked at more closely and there were invasive cancer cells found.


I had the surgery 2 weeks ago lumpectomy and lymph node removal.  Today was my follow up appointment and the results and discussion with Consultant are as below:-


All Breast cancer has been removed and no cancer in the lymph node.All margins were clear (that is the healthy tissue removed around the tumour didn’t have cancer cells)


The Tumour was 1 cm long. I would not have known I had this cancer if not for the mammogram - I felt no lump nor was there any abnormalities in appearance of the breast. If I had not had the mammogram the cancer could have grown much larger and travelled to the lymph and from there other parts of the body / organs.


On the one hand you could say I am lucky to have had this detected early and on the other unlucky I have it at all or have to go through surgery and the treatments.


I understand I will not need to do the Hormone therapy.


The cancer analyzed from the lumpectomy was ER - negative Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade III (fast growing***) NST (No special type)


*** Because of this Chemo and radiotherapy are offered but as for the Chemo I have to discuss this with the Oncologist reference risks pros and cons regarding my other other health issues. Appointment estimated in a couple of weeks with the oncologist.


Radiotherapy comes after the Chemo.


Both these treatments will be on current healthy tissue but the reason for them is without having them there is a 25% chance of this type of cancer returning and with the treatment that is narrowed down to 3%


I am thinking for me the risk of developing other health issues would be high if having the Chemo, possibly just radiotherapy. But this is something to discuss with oncologist.


Love to all ???


Needless to say its knocked me for 6…

Hi Astra, sending big hug and great news on clear margins and no lymph node involvement. The whole thing is like being in a washing machine on a spin cycle. And it’s not unusual for changes to diagnosis after operation, so please don’t let that wobble you. You are doing amazing and the decisions and choices going forward are yours to make and you will do whats right for you Astra ??:sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Hi Astra

You may be knocked for six but you come across as remarkably level-headed. It will be hard to make the decisions, knowing you are currently cancer-free.


Anyway, I wanted to say that one of my oncologists, putting me through the second vile phase of chemo, said that most oncologists have mixed views about the efficacy of chemotherapy but absolutely no doubts about radiotherapy. He said that was the one that makes all the difference. His timing wasn’t brilliant since I was 11 weeks into the 18-week programme and hardly going to shout STOP. In fact, I still would have had chemo as my bc was particularly aggressive and my lymph nodes heavily affected so, in my case, the more treatments the better. However, you might want to ask about whether this is a shared opinion?


Good luck with the decisions and congratulations on being bc-free.



Hi Astra

Just wanted to say that your story is identical to mine - recalled from routine mammogram, initial biopsies all pointed to DCIS but on lumpectomy a 1.1cm grade three invasive cancer was found (plus a less than 1mm area next to it).  I then had to have SNB which came back clear but my cancer was found to be triple negative so the only treatment is chemo and radiotherapy.  


It knocked me for six too - I am conflicted with being so very grateful it was found early thanks to the screening programme but being pretty annoyed I have it!  Generally I think the thankfulness wins out.  I have started chemo - I have my second cycle this week all being well and hope to be finished by Christmas.  Then radiotherapy after Christmas and then annual mammos for five years.  


I thought long and hard about the chemo - it seems completely counterintuitive to me to poison healthy cells but I concluded I needed to give myself the best chance so have gone with it.  Everyone is different though and the decision is yours to make.  I went into the consultant with an open mind which is all you can do.  Hope the next step in your journey goes well. xxxxx



The letter from the hospital today said:


Letter from Hospital this morning:-


It says :- Diagnosis: Right breast cancer,


Histology: 13mm grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma, no special type + high grade DCIS making total tumour size 14mm, 0/1 lymph nodes positive, ER negative, HER2 negative, lymphovascular invasion negative.


NPI: pT1c NO, Not sure I understand this result  **


Procedure: Right wire-guided wide local excision + sentinel node biopsy 21 Aug 19


Because ER and HER2 negative to discuss chemo with oncologist on Monday. If Chemo goes ahead that takes place locally, not sure how long what drugs etc at this stage.


Apparently patients given a 6 weeks break from chemo before radiotherapy on the right breast which would take place 35 miles away.


