Side effects from Denosumab

Hallo, I don’t post very often on the forum but a bone scan about 7 weeks ago, which I had for clinical trial screening showed bone mets to add to my others. So I was given the first of the monthly jab. The next day I felt as though I had flu with aching muscles, headache and exhaustion. My oncologist said that this was uncommon but could be a side effect. Has anyone else experienced this?

Best wishes to everyone x

Hi Stillhere,

When I first started on Denosumab almost 4 years ago I used to feel a bit wiped out for a couple of days afterwards but it did settle down. It would usually come on the next day and last around 48 hours. I initially had it monthly, then had to have almost a year off it due to problems with my jaw, that healed up and when I re started it the hospital policy had changed and it is now 3 monthly, since re starting I haven’t had any side effects at all. Hope yours settle down too, Kate x

I am due to start Denosumab in 2 days. My consultant warned me that I was likely to have flu like symptoms shortly after my initial treatment but following future injections these symptoms were unlikely to occur. She also said I would be on a 3 monthly regime. Hope this helps


I struggled a lot at the beginning with this treatment (but then I was struggling with everything and quite poorly generally).

Shaky, aching, exhausted.  I’ve had six now and they got a lot better each time.  Had the most recent one this week and a couple of days of aching legs when I overdid things (it’s always stairs that make my legs hurt!) is all I’ve had.

good luck 
