Recent diagnosis and start of my chemo this Monday

I have just been diagnosed with Breast cancer and also some lymph nodes. I am 63 and a widow and feel so alone and isolated. I have two daughters who live in the same town who are always there but I am so scared at the moment and miss having someone with me on a permanent basis. My husband passed away 4 years ago.


I start chemo on Monday 10 August and have accepted a cancellation but I now feel that I don’t know what I am meant to do next as it has all happened so quickly and haven’t really spoken to any nurses as such about wigs, shower gel etc etc. I am in panic mode at the moment. I am a positive person usually but this has knocked me for six. 


Any ideas about what I should be doing between now and Monday? 

Hi Shirl,

Welcome to the BCC Forum.  I’m sure other members will soon be along to offer you some support.  In the meantime I’ve attached a link to a thread called “Top tips to help you get through chemotherapy”

You might also find it helpful to have a look at the section “Going through treatment/ chemotherapy monthly threads”.  I’ve attached a link for you.  These threads are usually started by members beginning their chemotherapy in the same month.  You would be very welcome to join in.

I hope this helps.

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Oh bless you Shirl, it is a frightening time especially when you dont have a partner but you will get heaps of support in here trust me! I din’t need chemo so can’t advise on that but I am sure someone will come in soon and chat to you. Meanwhile know this… you are not alone, ever! we soon become friends in here with sharing the same journey so please try to relax. sending love Lorna x

Hi Shirl

On Monday speak or ring your breast cancer nurse, or mention it when you go for chemo, and say you need a prescription for a wig asap. My hair didn’t fall out for the first couple of weeks and then I shaved it off as the wig fitted better without it. I got an appointment at the wig shop within two days and could have taken it away with me except I wanted a different colour which only took two days, so you have enough time to organise this for if or when, your hair does fall out. Accept all help from your daughters as it will make them feel involved and not so worried about you. Good luck.


Hi shirl so sorry to hear you are going through this. I understand how you feel about the chemo. I start in 2 weeks and of course not looking forward to it but hoping that it’s the beginning of a road to recovery and getting our lives back. Lorna is right the ladies on here are an inspiration and so helpful and supportive they have been wonderful to me and I hope we can all do the same for you. Xxxxxxx

Thank you so much. My good wishes to you. Yes we on journey to recovery. Each time i think negatively i try to counteract it with a positive!

I know it’s so hard to be positive and I have really low moments but being on here helps a lot. Hope we can keep each other positive over this time. And wishing you all the very best when you start your treatment xxxxxxxxx


Hi Shirl, I hope you don’t mind me asking. How are you coping with treatment? My wife is due to have chemotherapy in the coming weeks. It’s scary but have to think positive that this will get rid if the bugger. X

What’s this getyourpillshop that keeps popping up? X