How likely is it that I have liver mets

I am 8 years post diagnosis of lobular BC. Had the works treatment wise. I had a routine blood test to check my thyroid and it showed raised liver enzymes. I had an ultrasound which showed multiple highly suspicious lesions on my liver. I am waiting an urgent CT. How likely is it to be liver METS?  I am terrified. I just need to know what I’m dealing with


Hi Julie

I can imagine the anxiety you’re having to deal with right now. My secondary diagnosis came right out of the blue, surprising both my oncologist and me. I was so stunned, I’ve not had the energy to build up much anxiety about my situation. It’s boxed away for when it’s needed.

I really think this is a question best asked in person so I’d suggest ringing the nurses at the number above. They provide a wonderful service. Obviously they can’t diagnose but they may provide some context for you and some reassurance. Please don’t Google meantime. Only the radiologist can tell you what you’re dealing with but, to be frank, you aren’t likely to get immediate answers. It will go to your oncologist and probably the MDT before you get any definitive answers. You may require a biopsy, in which case your sample will travel nationwide to be tested for various mutations and see if you qualify for various trials - there are some exciting new treatments waiting to become mainstream. Although I didn’t qualify for any trials at the time, useful data was collected. I’d say for me, it took maybe 4 weeks to get definitive answers and start treatment. BUT a quick blood test may confirm if there is cancer activity in your blood so you may get a yes or no, even if you don’t immediately get put on treatment. There’s a lot of waiting in this situation. 

I hope it turns out to be something else. If it is metastasised bc, all I can say is it’s doable, like everything else in cancer world. Meantime, try to find things that will soothe you and clear your head of worst case scenarios. Easily said, I know, but essential. Work at reducing your anxiety because, if it does turn out to be what you fear, you will need every resource you’ve got!

I wish you all the best.

Jan x

Hi Julie, I know how scary this is and how tough the waiting can be. I had same issue last March and because of covid it took until May for the diagnosis. 
Lobular cancer is usually slow growing and hormone positive, so there are plenty of effective treatments if it does prove to be cancer. I am on targeted therapy; life is pretty normal with a monthly visit to hospital. However I hope your CT scan is clear! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: